
Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 [Online Game Code] << more detail :: By Tony (USA) -  reviews Man, I remember logging countless hours on Marvel vs. Capcom 2 in the arcades. It was a lot of fun back then, so when I heard this was going to be released on the XBLA, I jumped on it. And it's only 1200 Microsoft Points(15 USD)!!! The...

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV << more detail :: By Bucky51 "Sean" (Orlando, FL USA) -  reviews This game looks great and plays well. I was a fan of the original arcade game, and used to play a ton on the old Sega genesis. SF4 does the best job yet of re-creating the feel of the original. Capcom really has added a good level of...

Soul Calibur IV

Soul Calibur IV << more detail ::: By Shann Yu "Go Rice Owls!!!" (Nashville, TN) -  reviews If you've played any of the other Soul Calibur games, this game plays pretty much the same way. The reason this series is so much better than the other series out there I feel is the ability to, blow-to-blow, attack your opponent...

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 <<< more detail :: By Shuhao Cao -  reviews Maybe you would argue that this is just "Oblivion with guns", but this "Oblivion with guns" has more to offer than just "Oblivion with guns", it has a massive story(according the guide i received today, after you completed the game you got tons to do), also the...

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 <<< more detail ::: By C. Peterson (Atlanta) -  reviews This game is excellent, it's way better than any other Smackdown Vs Raw game ever made, the possibilities are crazy!! There's so much you can do in this game that was impossible in the other games. It has a great amount of superstars...

Tekken 6

Tekken 6 << more detail :: By Deal Stealer "GPS Nav" -  reviews For me, I stopped playing since Tekken 3 Tag Tournament. It was so awesome then and it's still as good as before. Now, you must be wondering why I took 2 star off from this rating. That's because it's been about 10 yrs since Tekken 3 came out and it's relatively...

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